Me holding my book.

This book ‘Christ in our Midst,’ was written to help me understand how to incorporate the ‘Fruits, Gifts and Charisms of the Holy Spirit’ into my Life and to help me to use my Charisms to help others find out about them also. We need to recognize that they are a ‘Gracious Gift from God’ to be used by us to help with Jesus’ work of Redemption. All of this is accomplished through the Power of the Holy Spirit and My book, ‘Christ in our Midst.’ is well supported by Scripture throughout. the book.

I began writing’about the Fruits and the Gifts’ as an assignment from my Spiritual Director, to help me answer some of the many questions that I had about these Spiritual Gifts from God that (1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14; and Ephesians 4) speaks about. This book,’Christ in our Midst,’ is filled with Scriptural documentation about how Jesus, showed by example, how to help others to Believe that ‘Gods Kingdom was near’ ( ).

Jesus was the ‘Kingdom’ predicted in the Old Testament ( ). Jesus went about the Region of Galilee, Healing brokenness of Bodies, hearts, casting out demons, and forgiveness of sins, as an example of what He desires us to do in this world when He returned to the Father, beginning with His Disciples . . . and filtering down through the centuries to us.

The ‘Fruits of the Holy Spirit, are the Spiritual Gifts that will Transform us, ” . . . into the Image and Likeness of God.” (Genesis ). And because we are doing the work that Jesus left us to do for Him, Jesus said in ( ) “You will do greater things than I do.” Which in actuality, are the “Charisms” of the Holy Spirit.

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God Bless you as you Journey to Jesus through Scripture. He IS the only way!

Clairann Nicklin