This a a picture of a Tabernacle and a lite Sanctuary Candle, There are three banners that are above the Tabernacle and on each side that contain a list of the Spirituan Fruits, Gifts and Charisms of the Holy Spirit.

     The ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit are Special ‘Graces,’ that are given to us through the Power of the Holy Spirit  –  when we are ‘Baptized “in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19), Baptism starts our relationship with God the Father in us, that is made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. These Charisms transform us by the ‘Power’ of God that dwells in us, ‘The Spirit of God.

       When we are Baptized, we receive the ‘Isaiah Spiritual Gifts‘ (Isaiah 11:2-3), and the ‘Fruits of the Holy Spirit‘ (Ephesians 5:22-23) which help ‘Form’ us into ‘other Christs.’ It is through our Confirmation, that the Spiritual Gifts called ‘Charisms’ come alive in us. This is all Scriptural even though most Christians do not know or understand it.                   

     My own ‘Work for God’ comes alive with the discovery of my ‘Mission, Ministry, or Vocation.’ To me, those three words are interchangeable. It is a description of ‘What’ – I do for God, to ‘Build up His Kingdom here on Earth.’ (Luke 17:21) Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is in Your Midst.” (Greek-Hebrew -English Bible)

     At age 70, I finally have discovered ’My personal work for God which is – my Vocation’ – through the Workbook ‘Uniquely His. (As you can see – it’s never to late!) This book focuses on helping you to ‘discover your Charisms.’ Charism is a ‘Gracious Gift from God‘ that encompasses the ‘Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ which help us to work for God – to bring about His Kingdom here on earth!

     One of my Vocation’s is to spread the ‘Word of God through Evangelization. I do that through the ‘Artistic Creativity Charism of Writingand verbally sharing my ‘Faith’ with others – which are both ‘Charisms’. I also have a Vocational Call to Prayer, which I believe is given to me through the ‘Isaiah Spiritual Gift of Piety’ (Isaiah 11:2-3). ‘Faith, Healing, Intercession, are some of the Charisms that I am able to share My Vocation of Prayer with others.

     Through Prayerful study of HOW – my Charisms work in my life, I have discovered something deeper than most ‘Spiritual Gift’ book writers have expressed in their works. God has led me to understand the ‘Simplicity’ of how the ‘Isaiah Spiritual Gifts, the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and the Charisms work together to build up the Kingdom of God!’

    All of this is Scriptural. The ‘Isaiah Spiritual Gifts’ are found in (Isaiah 11:2-3). The ‘Fruits of the Holy Spirit’ are found in (Ephesians 5:22-23) and sprinkled throughout other passages. And a list of the ‘Spiritual Works’ are given to us in (1 Corinthians: 12:4-11) and these are just the beginning of what humanity can use to ‘Build up the Kingdom of God’.

     Little known to humanity are the special ‘Gifts’ of ‘tears, laughter, and hugs,’ but they are ‘Charisms of the Holy Spirit’ none-the-less, because this ‘Gift’ – is given to certain individuals – to help heal the broken heart of a wounded person, to help the wounded person feel the ‘Presence of God’ in a human.

     The ‘Goal of a ‘Charism’ is to give humanity an ability to reach deep down inside of ourselves, to the place where the Holy Spirit Dwells, to find a way to help another person ‘Find God.’ It is through acknowledging and using our ‘Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit’, that we discover our Personal Vocation or Ministry for God.

      In a ‘given situation’, certain Charisms come forward in us – to help deliver the Message to another. We have Many Charisms! If we read (1 Corinthians 12:4-7) with the eyes of our heart, we can see how it works.

These are the first – documented words by St. Paul the Apostle/ Evangelist;  from (the Greek, Hebrew, English Bible). Scripture tells us in (1 Corinthians 12: 4-7)

“There are differences of gifts– but the same Spirit

There are differences of ministries – but the same Lord

There are differences of workings – but the same God – is working all things – in all.

But to each one is given the showing forth of the Spirit – to our profit.”

       As we allow Our Charisms to work together, they become ‘Our Gift Mix’– and God delivers what each person needs. What I mean by that is, my ‘Working Gifts’ (Charisms) are: “Faith, Healing, Knowledge, Intercession, Evangelization.”

For my Charism of Healing to ‘Be drawn forward’, I First must believe that God — ‘Can, and will use my prayer to heal another person’s Wounds.’ It is through my surrender to the ‘Power of the Holy Spirit,’ to come to the aide of the other person that through my prayer – Jesus, heals them in some way. This is the Charisms of ‘Faith, Healing and Intercession’ in action!

     So, when my ‘Spiritual Isaiah Gift of Piety pours through me, to the other person – the Holy Spirit will draw a SpecialFruit of the Holy Spirit,’ forward in me to make my efforts profitable for the ‘other person,’ such as; patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness will be needed. The Holy Spirit knows which ‘Fruits,’ that the ‘other person’ can accept – and will be beneficial for their healing.

I created this diagram to try to help make the complicated simple.

     When ‘Praying through the Power of the Holy Spirit’ – it is NOT about us. We are simply the Vessel through which the Holy Spirit works. A healing will always take place. It will be what God desires to be healed. Humanity needs many types of healing. They will experience either; Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical or Ultimate Healing.

When we surrender to the Power of the Holy Spirit, we should be ‘Seeking’ what we feel we need. But, accepting what God gives us, because, He knows what we need to arrive at our ‘final Destination’ with Him.

     This is what ‘The Fruits, Gifts and Charisms of the Holy Spirit’ are all about! It is all given to us through ‘Grace.’ To understand this all a little easier, you can read My book about them, it is called, Christ in our Midst.’

     As ‘Christians,’ we are each supposed to discover our God given ‘Spiritual Gifts’ of the Holy Spirit, and use them to the best of our ability, to ‘Build up the Kingdom of God.” As we ‘Grow towards God,’ we will need to ‘re-take’ The Spiritual Gift Test, to see the direction that God is guiding us – to be able to fulfill His Mission – in our own lives.- and then to be able to reach out to another – to help them discover their Mission for God. We need to Re-take the ‘Test’ at least once a year, or if any big changes have taken place in our lives. Including this isolation because of COVID-19.

     Not all Missions are the same. That is why the Charisms are so different. And that is why understanding ‘Our GIFT-MIX,’ is so important.

I began this journey into the ‘Fruits, Gifts and Charisms’ in 2012 at the age of Sixty-three, and at 70 – My sister Bonnie brought this booklet Uniquely His back from our other sister Joan’s “Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women’s” Group in Phoenix two years ago. I didn’t find the book until I was sitting with my sister Bonnie, while she was dying.

I began to study it — and took the test — and God gave me the ‘Isaiah Gift’ of ‘Understanding‘ of how this works. Bonnie was one of my Spiritual Mentors’ – and Cheerleader! Always believing in me. As my Prayer Partner, she was the ‘Power’ behind all of my Prayer. And believe it or not, I am able to do what I do for God – because Bonnie, believed in me – and her belief, helped me to believe in myself! That was her Charism of Encouragement!

Every inch of the way, Bonnie was listening to the ‘Stirrings’ from the Holy Spirit. ‘Page after Page’ she listened to what I was hearing during my Prayer – her ‘Gift’s of Tears, Hugs, Joy, Understanding, profound Love of another, helped me to believe that God could work through this little Dyslexic girl. For once in my Life, I began to believe in myself, because of Bonnie’s unusual Charisms of the Holy Spirit. She Believed that the Pages and Pages of writings, would fit together – and make a Wonderful book describing my journey into the discovery of the ‘Fruits, Gifts and the Charisms of the Holy Spirit’ and what they are to mean in all of our lives! Her Belief in me helped me to forge on to Publish these Papers that became Chapters – and then this Book called ‘Christ in Our Midst.’

This is the cover of my book, 'Christ in our Midst,' which is about the 'Fruits, Gifts and Charisms of the Holy Spirit. Below the name of the Midst.' a priest is 'Breaking the Consecrated Host in half over the Chalice of Jesus Blood.

In 2012, I was taught that we are each given ‘ONE or TWO’ Charisms! It is my belief that we are limiting God with that theory. I feel that the mistake is found in terminology. As Scripture says in (1 Corinthians 12:4-7) we are given all of the Charisms – to help us discover our ‘SPECIAL WORK FOR GOD!’ While we are allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us – through our charisms, we begin to feel – and understand what we are best at. We should find the ‘Fruit of Joy’ spilling out of us when we are doing what God desires for us to do.

In the Beginning of our journey, we will only find a few things that we do well, but the more that we do for God — the more that He will give us to do. In 2009, Our Blessed Mother, drew me to the Peace Prayer Chaplet. I was so Blessed by this Chaplet, that I was ‘Called‘ to make one for myself and then ‘Invite‘ others to pray it also. So the Charism of ‘Artistic Creativity‘ was born in me!

At that time, I didn’t even know that this was a Charism! I thought that making things with my hands was just something that I did. What makes something that you ‘DO” — a Charism – is the LOVE that you do it with! Our Blessed Mother ‘TOUCHED’ me deeply with her Love, that it began spilling out of me – in the form of ‘Peace Prayer Chaplets’ that I made for others. I didn’t know it then, but the Charisms of Prayer, Intercession, Giving, Leadership, Teaching, were coming forward in me.

As the years have marched on, I searched for the meaning of my life. It is not easy to discover! But my Journey into the meaning of the ‘Fruits and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ – has awakened me to so much more that I am able to do for God. Jesus is asking me to reach deep down inside of me to find the true meaning of my life! This can only be accomplished through allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my ways and my days. This process is discovery of the Charisms in our lives.

    Now I have discovered the Charisms of Knowledge, Discernment, Leadership, Teaching’ and others, to enable  ‘The (Isaiah) Spiritual Gifts’ of: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Fortitude, and Council, to be able to flow through me to help with this understanding of how they all work together.

The other two Isaiah Gifts of; Piety and Fear of the Lord, are an integral part of this process. They have given me the ability to ‘Trust God’ in all things. And  because of my devotion to Him, I am building my Relationship with Him through the discovery and development of my Interior Prayer, through the time I spend in ‘Quiet Prayer.’

The ‘CHARISMS’ — are the way that we come to terms with our own humanity. The Charisms all are centered around Jesus and His life of ‘Service’ here on earth. We are all called to do what He did! We are only able to do that through the Charisms of the Holy Spirit.

    After all these years, I have Discovered Three main ‘Vocations’ that I am involved with almost daily. Prayer, Christian Writing and Evangelism.  I am only able to do this because of the Charisms that ‘come forward’ when I need them to accomplish ‘Gods good’ for my life and the lives of others.

A Charism is given to us to ‘Give Away’ to another. It is not OURs to keep! But it cannot ‘Flow through us, without leaving some of it’s goodness behind within us. This is all accomplished through the Grace that God showers upon us in our lives.

     It is our ‘Charisms’ that Produce our ‘Vocations.’ Through allowing the Charisms to become a big action part of my life, I have discovered what I do best for God. Which is my Vocations of Prayer, Writing, and Evangelization.

My Book ‘Christ in Our Midst‘ explains all of this in simple stories with Scriptural and Catechism documentation. It can be purchased through CovenantAmazon — Barnes and Noble, and ordered through Walmart or your local book stores.

Don’t limit God with our limited Imaginations!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sharon Martin

    This was an awesome teaching tool thank you very much

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