Find Jesus

Eucharist Spiritual Mystical Mystery –  is the Work of the Holy Spirit. It begins with the Paschal Mystery.

Eucharist Spiritual Mystical Mystery –  is the Work of the Holy Spirit. It begins with the Paschal Mystery. What is the Paschal Mystery all about . . . it is the ‘Passion of Christ.’ The Ordained Priest’s are acting in ‘Persona Christi’ . . . “The Person of Christ” . . . when Praying the Holy Mass, We, the people of God, become an important part of the Holy Mass, when we prepare ourselves – and take part by responding with enthusiasm to all the Mass parts, we join with the Priest  and Jesus in this Sacrifice of the Mass where Heaven joins earth with the Angels and saints in this Self -Sacrifice of Jesus. 

The Mass contains the Paschal Mystery, which is Christ’s Passion and Death, Resurrection and Ascension!

Awareness of what is HAPPENING during the Mass IS MOST IMPORTANT !

Jesus on the Cross with white Radiating bright light coming from the clouds behind the Cross.


To find Jesus , we need to seek Him
This Retreat topic is about” Eucharist Spiritual Mystical Mystery – teaching us how to live our lives in
“Grace”: Actual, Sanctifying, and Sacramental.
The Seven Sacraments flow from the Cross of Jesus. Beginning with Baptism in The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. All of the Seven Sacraments flow from the Sacrificial Cross of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.


The Holy Eucharist IS – The Greatest Treasure of the Catholic Church!

Encountering Jesus is ‘Living in the REAL PRESENCE.”One of the Sacraments is the Grace of Reconciliation.

Sin separates us from God.

God’s Love calls us back to Him!



What are ‘Devotions?’

They are Prayers and Actions, that will lead us into a closer Relationship with God.


Eph’phatha!” = “Be Opened!

This IS MY BODY . . . This IS MY BLOOD . . .given for many.

We don’t have to solve the Mystery – just Believe.” Fr. Stephen. Willard


The ‘Importance of Adoration‘ is all about Building a ‘Relationship with God!.



This is Eucharist Fed – Spirit Led

What do you Believe? And how do you ‘Witness your Belief?


This is Eucharist Fed – spirit Led.



We can only go forth into the World in Christ when we use our Charisms of the Holy Spirit.


To Find Jesus


Feel free to reach out and contact me  for any questions or comments


Working through grief takes time and an open heart, to let our pain out, and love in. This is necessary with humanity and with God. 

My journey into grief began with the death of my 23 week baby daughter on May 25,1976, due to my appendix rupturing, and subsequent surgery. This was my second fetal loss, and was quickly followed by a divorce and the loss of 4 step-children. I turned myself inward, and built  Cocoon around myself so no more pain could enter into my heart. 

With the death of my daughter, Heather Marie, I also lost my marriage and those other four children which had become my life. Through t-i-m-e, I was completely alone in my sorrow and Grief, and I had actually put a distance between God and me . . . not because of God . . . Totally because I did not know how to Pray from my heart. I noticed I could not ‘feel God’s Presence. I discovered that it was because I was keeping Him ‘Arms Length’ away from me. It was a ‘protective move on my part.

On May 22nd, Before Heather’s birth, I had a ‘Near Death Experience, during which I was told, “Your child will die.  You shall live. You’ve been given a second chance. A chance at your Christianity. Remember . . . there is a reason.”


Isolation in the deep woods. Trees covered with snow, promotes a lonely feeling. But, in the upper left corner of the picture the sun is is a brilliant circle radiating beams through the forest . . . and Hope breaks through.

June 3, 1980

A might oak . . .that’s what I was . . .
Full of life . . . Full of love . . .

Now I’m spent . . .I’ve given all I have . . . All I am  . . .

 And yet I see . . . that’s not enough . . .

August 18, 1980

The day is dreary,
 the sun isn’t shinning upon our land.
  My heart is heavy, with deep seated wounds to heal …
   if only I can.

I need to learn to trust,
 You Lord, and my fellow man.
  I need to believe in me …
   My mission …
    and be not afraid to stand.

Each day I stand a little taller,
 each day I find another wound …
  One of these days I’ll stand up and holler …

   ”Look at me ….
    I’m human to.