Isolation in the deep woods. Trees covered with snow, promotes a lonely feeling. But, in the upper left corner of the picture the sun is is a brilliant circle radiating beams through the forest . . . and Hope breaks through.



Working through grief takes time and an open heart to let our pain out, and let love in. This is necessary with humanity and with God. It is not easy to come to this place in our hearts

My journey into grief began with the death of my 23 week pregnancy with my baby daughter on May 25,1976, due to my appendix rupturing, and subsequent surgery. This was my second fetal loss, and was quickly followed by a divorce and the loss of 4 step-children. I turned myself inward, and built  Cocoon around myself so no more pain could enter into my heart. 

With the death of my daughter, Heather Marie,  my marriage and those other four children which had become my life, I became introverted. Through t-i-m-e, I was completely alone in my sorrow and Grief, and I had actually put a distance between God and me . . . not because of God . . . Totally because I did not know how to Pray from my heart. I noticed I could not ‘feel God’s Presence. I discovered that it was because I was keeping Him ‘Arms Length’ away from me. It was a ‘protective move on my part.

On May 22nd, Before Heather’s birth, I had a ‘Near Death Experience’, during which I was told, “Your child will die.  You shall live. You’ve been given a second chance. A chance at your Christianity. Remember . . . there is a reason.”

Time marched on and I became Epileptic from the stress that I was holding inside of me. It was diagnosed a year after her birth. I began seeing a consular about 3 months before the Diagnosis, and He encouraged me to write out my thoughts, which was a struggle because I tried not to think. Working through grief is not easy. It brought me more pain. During this rough time, my Counselor was the only one who believed that something was wrong with my body . . .not my mind.  About one and a half years after Heather’s birth and death, I began working in the Newborn Nursery, it was necessary for my healing.

When I finished paying my Dr. the last of my ‘bill’ from Heather’s Birth, I wrote him an explanation as to what happened to me, and why I needed to begin  working through my grief in the Newborn Nursery. It said: 


My child died . . . but I live . . .

My marriage died . . . and yet . . . I live . . .

My hands may be tied . . . but my heart can give.Working through my Grief

June 3, 1980

A might oak . . .that’s what I was . . .
Full of life . . . Full of love . . .

Now I’m spent . . .I’ve given all I have . . . All I am  . . .
 And yet I see . . . that’s not enough . . 
A picture of the Face of Jesus. Built with forensic technology from the Shroud.

Those could have been words that Jesus spoke just before He died from His Crucifixion . . . but they were mine, from some of life’s hurts. This picture of Jesus, is the ‘Forensic reconstruction of ‘His Holy Face’ that was created from the ‘Shroud of Turin.’ It was completed from the Reverse x-ray work of scientist. This is the picture that I love to Pray with, and meditate on. 

The Love of Jesus, heals our brokenness, if we ‘Seek and Ask” for healing (Matthew 7:7). My healing from the wounds of Heather’s death, have been surrounded with Jesus, and His great Love for me, but emotions have their ‘Ebbs and Tides.” This ‘Note’ expresses how much my friends have helped me through all the turmoil of working through grief that went on inside of me.

July 21, 1980,   Bless all my friends. 

‘If you were to see the ‘Face of Jesus’  . . . you must get on your knees . . . He is the Perfect image of God.  Humbly we bow before Him and receive His forgiveness. Then we live for Him and according to His ways. That is belief that is not in vain.’ (1 John 1:9), ” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 

My mother died suddenly from an massive heart attack on July 25, 1980. She was my best friend. Always there with her loving arms to hug me when anything was broken in my life. There was never anyone who could fill her shoes. Forty years later, I still miss her beautiful smile and open heart. But she suffers no more. I wrote this at dawn, the night she died


Mama’s back yard,  July 25, 1980

Today you took my mother home . . . 

left us here, all alone . . .

Trying hard to forget . . .

The pain and suffering she had known.

My beautiful mama . . . Annie.


She was a simple woman . . . .

a loving wife and mother . . .

She knew how to love with her whole heart . . .

She knew you Lord . . . 

from with her soul . . .

Her simple Faith . . . 

beget my own . . .

My beautiful mama . . . Annie.


Today Lord, I entrust to you . . .

The glorified means of her human body . . .

And her intangible, but real soul .  . .

she was ours for just a little while . . .

When we weep . . 

we weep for the void . . .

of my beautiful mama  . . . Annie.


I find myself rocking . . .

And I feel her’s and Your loving arms . . .

Envelop me with an undying love . . .

Yes Lord, I know she lives!

My beautiful mama . . . Annie. 

June 1980, 

My life . . . what is it?

It is a reflection of my peers.

My life . . . what can it be?

Christ’s reflection in my mirror.


Christ’s life was not easy . . .

Nor shall mine be . . .

His wounds I must be willing to share . . .

to entitle me to His Eternity.


I must stand tall . . .as an oak . . .

I must bend like a willow . . .

I must find my soul . . .

within the earth . . .

I must allow myself to be whittled . . .


August 18, 1980

The day is dreary,
 the sun isn’t shinning upon our land.
  My heart is heavy, with deep seated wounds to heal …
   if only I can.

I need to learn to trust, You Lord, and my fellow man.
  I need to believe in me …
   My mission …
    and be not afraid to stand.

Each day I stand a little taller,
 each day I find another wound …
  One of these days I’ll stand up and holler …

   ”Look at me ….
    I’m human too.

I have written a Book named, “Christ in our Midst.” It is about the Fruits, Gifts and Charisms of the Holy Spirit. We each need to discover our God given Gifts, and learn to trust the Holy Spirit to teach us how to use them in our daily lives. ‘Christ in our Midst’is backed by Scripture all the way through.

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