Spiritual Fruits, Gifts, and Charisms of the Holy Spirit

Spiritual Fruits, Gifts, and Charisms of the Holy Spirit is a workshop that includes, Four, one-hour talks,’ explaining what they are meant to do for us in our lives — and for others — and ultimately God. It is a ‘One-Day Work Shop’ with teaching about The ‘Fruits of the Holy Spirit that are found in (Galatians 5:22-23), and the differences of the Isaiah Spiritual Gifts, found in (Isaiah 11: 2-3) and the Spiritual Gifts called ‘Charisms’, found mainly in (1 Corinthians 12- 13-14; Ephesians) and sprinkled throughout Scripture. I have designed an ‘Inter-active’ time with the participants that displays how all of these Spiritual Gifts work together for the Greater Glory of God, and spill out of us into the lives of others. It’s all about sharing God’s Love with another..

Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit

These all are the Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit. Each group is a different component of ‘workings’ from God Our Heavenly Father. We are given these Spiritual Gifts through the Workings of the Holy Spirit, from the ‘Living’ Example of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. They are meant to equip us to ‘Build up the Kingdom of God.

This ‘Workshop’ about the ‘Spiritual Fruits, Gifts and Charisms,’ will make it easier for all participants to understand their Role in God’s work that is given to each Baptized Christian, in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

God the Father Loves us all (present tense) from the Beginning of Time! We cannot begin to understand that kind of love, so we are each called upon just to ‘Believe’ that it is true. And with that Belief, we are to learn what each of these ‘Spiritual Gifts’ are: The ‘Fruits,’ are the Personality that Jesus shared with everyone that He met, which was all centered around God’s Divine Love. We cannot expect to be perfect like Jesus was, but we each can try to bring more Love into our lives and therefore be ‘made into His image and likeness... ( Genesis 2: )

The Isaiah Spiritual Gifts

The Isaiah Spiritual Gifts, found in (Isaiah 11: 2-3) are ‘Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, fortitude, counsel,piety and fear of the Lord.’ These Spiritual Gifts are ‘Infused’ into each of us to help us ‘share God’s Divine Love with another.” This begins with our Baptism and is filled in more when we are Confirmed. The Holy Spirit fills us – with what we need to share – with another to bring them to Christ. The Spiritual Gifts called Charisms, are the ‘Action of the Holy Spirit’,’ that is ‘Brought to Life,’ through our ‘Yes to God!’

To help you learn more about the Fruits Gifts and Charisms of the Holy Spirit, I have written a book called, ‘Christ in our Midst.’ It was written through the Power of the Holy Spirit in my Prayer. It was written as an assignment from my spiritual director to help me understand about how they are supposed to work in our lives. ‘Christ in our Midst’ will help you implement  all of God’s Spiritual Gifts into your life.

to read more go to The Great Commission



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Colin E Hawkinson

    I remember those talks and look forward to your spirit led incarnations!

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